Fancy some soul food?

Fancy some soul food?

As I thought about the words of the second verse of the song, I remembered a line from last week’s article - “What Yahusha gives is so much more than just a shelter in times of trouble.”  

The verse tells us part of the more for our soul is “manna from above”.

The Word, Yahusha the bread of life, is there to feed our soul at the beginning of the day. Yet sometimes we leave Him hanging.  Why is that?

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Where should I go?

Where should I go?

The first phrase of the song’s chorus, ‘where should I go’ caught my attention. It spoke to me of the prospects of my youth. It shouted ‘freedom’, the world as my oyster with nary a consequence. We often see what we want to see in this life without giving careful consideration to all the clues that tell us things just aren’t quite what they seem. When we wake up to the realisation, where should we go seeking a refuge for our soul?

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Do we REALLY mean the songs we sing?

Do we REALLY mean the songs we sing?

You know the scene. You’re in church, and the worship team kick off your favourite tune.

And you belt it out with everything that’s in you, not necessarily stopping to think about the actual words you’re singing.

We’re all guilty of it but Yahuah wants us to stop. Not stop singing, indeed the reason we sing is to give Him the worship that He deserves - but to stop singing songs thoughtlessly. Instead He wants us to consider the songs we sing. He also wants to correct misconceptions that we may have with these songs.

He wants us to MEAN the songs we sing and SING the songs we mean.

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