Our theme for Passover this year is “Rectification”

(the action of putting something right).

First and foremost - Yahusha Messiah ‘put things right’, opening up the way for us to return to our Heavenly Father - through His sacrifice on the Cross.

It’s time for us to recalibrate, to ‘put things right’.

What changes do we need to make in preparation for His imminent return?

We invite you to join us on this journey of ‘rectification’.

Click here to learn more

Acorn Life is a growing ministry started over 20 years ago. We desire a deeper relationship with Elohim. This walk of faith deepens our understanding of Elohim's will and way.

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God's Name is powerful but often diluted down to a set of titles. Biblical language and culture has been tragically lost by some in His church.

His Name ›

Word Unlimited exists to challenge us to change. To deepen our relationship with Yahuah Elohim and get in line with the plan he has for our lives.

Word Unlimited ›