The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) celebrates both the birth of Yahusha Messiah and helps us understand how to reach a stable, permanent place in Yahuah’s Kingdom - no longer ‘up one day and down the next’.
We are celebrating Sukkot from Sunday 13 October to Sunday 20 October, each day with a fresh take on this biblical feast.
Come and learn more by joining us as we begin this Sunday with a praise and worship service. Learn more here.
Word Unlimited exists to challenge us to change. To deepen our relationship with Yahuah Elohim and get in line with the plan he has for our lives.
God's Name is powerful but often diluted down to a set of titles. Biblical language and culture has been tragically lost by some in His church.
Tabernacles 2019
Tabernacles is a main feast of Yahuah Elohim, so important that it is known as The Feast. This seven-day harvest festival is very significant and is believed to be the time of Yahusha's birth.